3.4.4 Acceptance of Academic Credit
The institution publishes policies that include criteria for evaluating, awarding, and accepting credit for transfer, experiential learning, credit by examination, Advanced Placement, and professional certificates that are consistent with its mission and ensures that course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and comparable to the institution’s own degree programs. The institution assumes responsibility for the academic quality of any course work or credit recorded on the institution’s transcript. (See Commission policy “Collaborative Academic Arrangements.”)
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College’s mission statement is as follows:
Southwest Texas Junior College is a comprehensive, public college serving eleven counties in Southwest Texas. The College provides accessible, affordable, high-quality education that prepares students to successfully transfer to senior colleges and universities; enter the job market; pursue their professional and personal goals; and contribute to the economic growth of the region.
Southwest Texas Junior College publishes criteria for evaluating, awarding, and accepting credit for transfer, experiential learning, credit by examination, Advanced Placement, and professional certificates in the SWTJC Catalog This document is available online in PDF (printable) versions under the prominently displayed “About SWTJC” tab on all swtjc.edu webpages. Hard copies of the most current Catalog are maintained at each campus and facility
SWTJC accepts outside credit to increase accessibility by reducing redundancies in coursework, to support affordability by reducing total cost of a program of study, and to provide high-quality education by ensuring that any outside course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and comparable to SWTJC’s own degree programs. The SWTJC Registrar and Vice President for Student Services review academic credit guidelines annually (Spring) to ensure consistency with sound collegiate practice and with SWTJC’s mission. Any changes to academic credit guidelines are included in the annual review of the SWTJC Catalog (March), overseen by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Any academic credit recorded on a student’s official SWTJC transcript reflects Southwest Texas Junior College’s assumption of responsibility for the academic quality of those credits.
As stated on page 38 of the SWTJC Catalog, “Southwest Texas Junior College accepts transfer of college level (or developmental level) course work taken at other institutions accredited by the Southern, Middle State, New England, North Central, Northwest, or Western Association of Colleges and Schools.” Guidelines for evaluating course credit are outlined in the SWTJC Catalog, also on page 38.
Southwest Texas Junior College accepts military credit based on the American Council on Education (ACE) guide (SWTJC Catalog, p. 37). No limit exists for number of credits accepted; however, students who plan to graduate from SWTJC with an Associate’s level degree must complete 25% of required semester hours at SWTJC. The College does not accept any other form of experiential credit – see Catalog, page 37.
As stated on page 42-45 of the SWTJC Catalog, SWTJC students may receive credit by exam, subject to specific requirements and policies outlined in the Catalog.
To receive credit by exam, SWTJC students must meet the following general requirements:
- Student is enrolled at SWTJC
- Student is TSI (Texas Success Initiative) complete in all areas (i.e. “college-ready”)
- Student has completed at least six semester credits at SWTJC through regular coursework
- Credit by Exam awards are limited to 24 semester hours
Examination scores are accepted from the ACT Program, the SAT Program, College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) exams, College Level Exam Program (CLEP) exams, and from International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) subject exams. Accepted scores, outlined in the SWTJC Catalog, reflect the recommendations provided by the respective test designer.
The SWTJC Catalog outlines advanced placement credit via Local Articulation. An Articulated course is a High School Career Technical Education (CTE) course which has been determined equivalent to a corresponding SWTJC course. The goal of this program is to target and strengthen specific skills for highly competitive jobs. Students enrolled in designated Local Articulated High School courses can benefit by receiving college credit hours toward a Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science degree.
Credit for professional certification is awarded a grade of “P” (i.e. “pass”) for certifications in fields for which SWTJC offers an equivalent technical program curriculum. Competencies designated in the certification process must directly parallel learning outcomes of the course for which a student is receiving credit. Southwest Texas Junior College offers credit for professional certification in the Criminal Justice program and the Nursing Program.
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, pp. 37-45
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p. 38
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p. 37
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, pp. 42-45
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p. 45
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p. 154
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p. 181